Connie Morella Library Bethesda, Maryland 40’ w x 5’ h; View from the front of the circulation desk
Full Mural, 40’ long x 5’ high
Left side
Right Side

Mural I, 18' x 36', Jacksonville, Florida

Mural II, 18' x 36', Jacksonville, Florida

20' x 10', Rockville, Maryland

20' x 10', Rockville, Maryland

4' x 10', Rockville, Maryland
5' x 11', elevator door, private collection, Washington DC
5' x 11', elevator door, private collection, Washington DC
5' x 11', elevator door, private collection, Washington DC

private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut

private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut

private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut

private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut

6' x 12', Orlando Courthouse, Orlando, Florida

6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC

6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC

6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC

6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC

Connie Morella Library Bethesda, Maryland 40’ w x 5’ h; View from the front of the circulation desk
Full Mural, 40’ long x 5’ high
Left side
Right Side
Mural I, 18' x 36', Jacksonville, Florida
Mural II, 18' x 36', Jacksonville, Florida
20' x 10', Rockville, Maryland
20' x 10', Rockville, Maryland
4' x 10', Rockville, Maryland
5' x 11', elevator door, private collection, Washington DC
5' x 11', elevator door, private collection, Washington DC
5' x 11', elevator door, private collection, Washington DC
private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut
private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut
private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut
private collection, Greenwich, Connecticut
6' x 12', Orlando Courthouse, Orlando, Florida
6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC
6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC
6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC
6' x 9', Williams and Connelly, Washington DC